Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 "Stormborn" (Spoilers)

Only done with 2 episodes and Season 7 already seems promising... Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, Samwell Tarley and Jorah Mormont, Arya Stark and Nymeria. What an amazing episode this was! It was great to see all of these plot lines starting to intertwine the way that we've been waiting for since the beginning. It's been an incredible ride through the years and when Daenerys told Tyrion to summon Jon Snow to Dragonstone, my heart jumped in anticipation. The feeling of "FINALLY!" has never felt more sweet than in that moment. Speaking of sweet moments, Sam and Jorah. In the first episode of this season, I nearly jumped out of my chair when I saw that Jorah was at the Citadel with Samwell. Sam is looking to cure Jorah of his Greyscale and I guess we'll have to wait and see whether he succeeded or not. I'm fully thinking that Jorah will be cured,...