Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 "Stormborn" (Spoilers)

Only done with 2 episodes and Season 7 already seems promising...

            Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, Samwell Tarley and Jorah Mormont, Arya Stark and Nymeria. What an amazing episode this was! It was great to see all of these plot lines starting to intertwine the way that we've been waiting for since the beginning. It's been an incredible ride through the years and when Daenerys told Tyrion to summon Jon Snow to Dragonstone, my heart jumped in anticipation. The feeling of "FINALLY!" has never felt more sweet than in that moment.
            Speaking of sweet moments, Sam and Jorah. In the first episode of this season, I nearly jumped out of my chair when I saw that Jorah was at the Citadel with Samwell. Sam is looking to cure Jorah of his Greyscale and I guess we'll have to wait and see whether he succeeded or not. I'm fully thinking that Jorah will be cured, Sam will be kicked out of the Citadel for his procedure, Sam will meet up with Jon and Jorah will meet up with Daenerys (which they will conveniently be in the same place). 

            Another giddy moment that I had watching this episode was when Arya met back up with Hot Pie and him telling her about Winterfell. Hot Pie breaking the news to her about the Boltons being dead and Jon Snow being The King in the North made me literally jump out of my chair this time in excitement. The fact that out of all the Stark children, Arya and Jon had always had the strongest bond and that's what made the moment even more bittersweet. Unfortunately, Jon has ridden off to Dragonstone as Arya is headed home toward Winterfell. So who knows when they will have their reunion, or even if they will be reunited at all.
            Now lets talk about that ending! What an amazing entrance that Euron made the episode. I would expect nothing less of the character. The fight was chaotic and had me on the edge of my seat as I didn't know if Yara or Theon were going to die. I can't really say the same about the Sand Snakes though. Clearly the worst part of previous seasons of the show, I held little empathy for their characters. Saying that, I did not cheer for their deaths, mainly because it sucks seeing the clear bad guy (Euron) getting any sort of victory. But at the same time, I do not mourn their character deaths and won't be missing them whatsoever. 
             I also want to talk about Theon and his decision at the end of the episode. It sucks that that was the decision he made after he's come so far from where he was just a couple of seasons ago. I can't say that I am mad at the decision he made, but I was disappointed in him. Still, I am interested to see where his character goes from here and what kind of divide this will cause with his sister Yara (if she survives Euron).

            One thing that I can say is a negative, at least for right now, is the scene between Greyworm and Missandei. I thought the romance scene between them was a bit long and drawn out. This is mainly an issue because of the time constraints of having a shortened season this year. But, because the fact that it is a shortened season and everything in the story needs to be more streamlined, I am predicting that this may mark the end for Greyworm on the show. The writers for Game of Thrones tend to give their characters one last happy moment before they crush the hearts of their viewers by killing off the character. Because of this line of thinking I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand I like Greyworm and don't want him to die, but on another hand, I don't want to feel like I wasted about five minutes of my time on Game of Thrones that had no significance to the overall plot of this season. It's a tough call but I would have to side with killing off Greyworm in the upcoming episodes, especially since I like tragic moments like that in stories.  

            All in all, it was a great episode with plot lines starting to come together finally. The thing I can not wait to see is the meeting between The King in the North and the Dragon Queen. It should be amazingly hot and chilling (haha get it). What did you guys think of the episode? Let me know in the comments.


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