Welcome to my blog

Hey there,

My name is Cody. I'm new to this blogging thing so please bare with me when it comes to this. The aim of this blog is to just give my two cents and thoughts about some things that I am interested in. This blog will discuss things such as comic books, anime, D&D, TV shows, movies, and other things. Aside just giving my thoughts on certain topics I will also be sharing things that I think are cool or interesting by giving attention to things such as shows, games, and random videos that I think deserve more attention.

Along with this I tend to like discussing these topics with others who are interested in these things as well. So with that said, I encourage people to participate and comment on my posts. I'd like to hear your two cents about these same topics. Note that I will be deleting comments of those that are looking to troll or those that start comments for the sole purpose of undermining others without giving any real argument.

With that now out of the way, welcome to my blog! Enjoy at your own leisure.

Thank you!


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