The Rising of the Shield Hero (Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari) Episode 5 Review

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The Rising of the Shield Hero Episode 5 Review

This episode was so good. There were so many things that I liked about this episode so lets get into it. 

So right off the bat I want to talk about one of the scene that we saw in the beginning of the episode. We get a shot of a woman being pampered and talking to a hooded figure outside her window. She is discussing the topic of the Shield Hero. From her looks and the way she speaks we can already tell that she is the Queen. As someone who is reading the manga, people have a lot to look forward to when it comes to the Queen. 

I think that she is going to be a fast fan favorite and I'm excited to see how people react to her when she shows up. She's a very interesting character and that's about all I'll say to avoid spoiling anything. But just know that she is someone that should be looked forward to.

For this episode we also got hints that Raphtalia has feelings for Naofumi. In the manga this was more prevalent early on and in kind of got me concerned that they might have taken it out because of the whole "Raphtalia being 10 years old" thing. Where the manga is at the moment there has been pretty much no reciprocation of those feelings from Naofumi. In the manga it is seen that the romance is very one sided. Raphtalia always tries to get Naofumi's attention and he never notices. Mainly because throughout the series he still sees her as a child and sees himself as her father. One thing that I hope that they change from the manga is that Raphtalia's character starts to become very stale, as well as her relationship with Naofumi. I do hope that they go into it more in the anime since I know this show is mainly taking from the light novel. 

Last but not least, we have Filo. Probably my favorite character of the series and main comedic relief. For those that might have questions as to why she has transformed into a human form, there will be an explanation in the future, so just hold tight. I don't want to spoil too much about it but it does make a certain amount of sense. Just rest assured that Filo is a great character that I'm sure that many will enjoy. 

Overall this episode was a good one. No combat really but I am never of the belief that an episode needs crazy fight scenes to be considered good. The introduction of my favorite character was more than enough for me to like this episode. I just hope everyone comes to love Filo as much as I do.


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