The Promised Neverland (Yakusoku no Neverland) Episode 5 Review

The Promised Neverland Episode 5 Review
The Promised Neverland has been one of my favorite anime this season so far. The writing is so great and the delivery of the tense moments have been amazing. I know people have categorized this show under horror but to me it is more of a thriller. But now with that out of the way, lets get to this weeks episode.
So after last weeks crazy cliff hanger of Ray being the traitor, we find out this week that Ray was actually playing both sides of the field. I really like this characterization of Ray. He's very much a character that is out for whatever benefits him the most and I like that about his character. I have never read the manga of this series and I have to fight the urge to go read ahead. I have liked the mystery and surprise factor that this show brings me every week. Back to the topic of Ray. I think with this new predicament that it adds a whole new fold into the dynamic of the group. The face animation for Ray when he was called out as the traitor was magnificently terrifying.
I thought the subversion of expectation from the previous episode's cliffhanger was great. Up to this point we had always saw Norman as being the smart one who is ten steps ahead of everyone else when in reality Ray had been 20 steps ahead of him all along. It was cool to see the duel of wits between these two genius characters and how they both view the situation they are in. Suffice to say, I'm looking forward to more Ray and Norman in the future.
Next we have the discovery of Mama's hidden room where she can contact the demon's headquarters. It was obvious that Don was going to try something with that hidden room but I didn't think he try something IMMEDIATELY after Ray and Norman told him not to do anything. At the end of the episode someone discovering Don and Gilda in Mama's room and I think it's probably going to be Ray telling them that it was a dumb idea.
All in all, this episode didn't have much in terms of progressing their plans to escape. It was mainly used as an episode to set up another obstacle that stands in their way. I'm sure Norman will try and come up with something to try and outwit Ray, but right now, I can't say what that plan is since I have not read the manga. I think that Emma might have some idea that Ray is trying to trick her by saying that he is trying to help everyone escape. After all, she is one of the smartest characters of all the children. She may be naive but I don't think that she is stupid.
Overall, I thought this episode was good and I loved seeing this separate side of Ray. I think this new wrinkle in their plan will add a whole new dynamic and spontaneity to what is left to come.
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