Anime Fall 2020 Week 1 First Impressions

Anime Fall 2020 Week 1 First Impressions

     A new season of anime has just begun and that means new stuff to keep us occupied for the remainder of 2020. The line up this season is full of stuff that were extraordinarily hyped up and stuff that has flown under the radar. Some things lived up to the hype, some things disappointed, and some things came out of no where and jumped to the top. Here I will be grading each of the first episodes from the shows I've watched so far this season. I will be grading on a 10 point grade scale and basing it off a school grading system (10 = A+, 9 = A, 8 = B, 7 = C, 6 = D, 5 and below = F).

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You (7.7/10)

     A lovely, wholesome, slice of life, romance. What more can I say. The comedy was on point and the characters are lively and fun. The chemistry between the two main leads is interesting with the main guy being very animated and emotional while the main girl is very much the kuudere cool type who can show off her cuteness every so often. It was a fun episode and I can definitely see Tsukasa winning Best Girl for this anime season if this keeps up.

Talentless Nana (7.5/10)


     A show that was marketed and first presented as being something like a My Hero Academia knockoff it made sense that not many people would pick this show up. For most of the first episode it seemed like it was going to take that route as well. The main draw for this show was within the last few minutes of the episode. It is probably the most surprising plot twist this year. After this first episode, the show has a ton of promise and I am excited to see where this show goes from here. Also, Nana might already be my early choice for Favorite Character of the Season. 

The Day I Became A God (7.5/10)

     From the same person who created works like Angel Beats and Clannad, we are brought a show seemingly about this mysterious girl who claims to be a God and can even tell the future. She also gives an ominous warning that the world will end in 30 days. See who the creator of this series is, we can probably expect tears and heartbreak by the end of this story. This first episode was fun and interesting and the main girl has a lot of personality quirks and is just enjoyable to watch. The main guy meshes well with teh main girl and they do a good job of bouncing dialogue off of each other. This was the show I was most excited about for this anime season so I will be keeping a close eye on this one.

Warlords of Sigrdrifa (7.5/10)

     This episode was a double length episode but that double length really helped it flesh out its world and characters better in a way that a single episode probably couldn't do. It is from the same creator as Re:Zero as well as some animators from Girls Und Panzer working on it. The events that happen are interesting and hold a bit of mystery behind what is causing everything to occur. The characters are all lovable and fun while at the same time meshing really well together. Each character fills a type of role socially and they bounce off each other with a certain fluidity to them. The animation of this episode was crisp and well done while the CG for the airplanes were better than a majority of other shows that tried to animate aircraft. Overall I think this is one of the more underrated shows of this season and I will be keeping a close eye on this show especially with it being an anime original.

Jujutsu Kasien (7.5)

     MAPPA's next big creation and with the first episode it didn't disappoint. The action scenes are smooth and well animated and the world building is very interesting and deep. The character designs are cool and interesting and the voice acting casting I would say is pretty well casted. The way the plot is going does seem to be fairly typical shounen stuff. Boy has missing parents, a mysterious background, and wants to save people. This show has an interesting premise and I am interested to see where the plot takes us this season.

Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW (7.5/10)

     The first show that appeared this anime season was the remake of the popular horror anime from 2006. Just from this first episode it was pretty close to what the original was but with a different animation and art style. They added some scenes that were not part of the original but were actually influenced by the light novel. Because this is a remake, I am still not sure what to make of it or whether this new remake can pull off the same uncomfortable horror that came with the original. Only time will tell whether that will happen or not and I plan on watching this show through to the end of the season.

Ikebukuro West Gate Park (7.4/10)

     Another show from Doga Kobo that goes outside what they normally do. From this and Sing Yesterday For Me a couple seasons ago, we can presume that this is Doga Kobo expanding their horizons and could be the norm for them in the eventual future. This show has an interesting premise and a interesting world that they have built. A show that is going to basically revolve around gang life and gang violence makes for a fascinating story. This first episode was just an introductory episode about the world and how it operates but it seems like an all-out war is about to begin. It's got a cool style to it and I'm interested to see if this show holds up better throughout the season better than Sing Yesterday For Me did.

Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina (7.3/10)

     From initial impressions the animation and art is really amazing and has some really pretty visuals. It also had a fight scene that was actually really well animated despite this being a show that doesn't have a heavy focus on fighting.The show seems as if it is going to be a "coming of age" type of show about this girl who travels the world and learns more about herself. The character of Elaina is cute and lovable but not much could be made of the actual plot just from this first episode. The first episode seemed very much like a prologue for what is to come so it is hard to judge it based off this first episode. 

Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle (7.3/10)

     A pretty fun and goofy show that seems like it was based off a 4-koma manga. The setting and characters are really funny and weird. The voice cast is impressive boasting the likes of Minase Inori, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Ishikawa Kaito, Hayami Saori, and more. The premise of the show is pretty funny with it's eye-rolling type of humor but I find it hard to see how this type of comedy is sustainable through a 12 episode season when episodes are full length and not TV shorts. I'll continue to watch just to see if it will be able to keep up the comedy throughout an entire season.

Assault Lily Bouquet (6.8/10)

     The newest show by the acclaimed SHAFT studios. The best way I can describe this show is that it is basically RWBY but in an actual anime format and no male characters. The characters seem somewhat generic and so does the plot. Aside from a couple of decently animated fight scenes this show didn't seem all too original but had a few of those unique SHAFT cuts and animations. I'll give this show a go strictly on the basis that it is SHAFT working on it so there is a possibility that things could take an interesting turn in the coming episodes. 

Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World (6.5/10)

     Another season and another show brought to us by SILVERLINK. For three seasons in a row they surprised the anime world with shows like BOFURI, Hamefura, and Misfit of Demon King Academy. This time around we have what seems to be a love story between two characters on opposing sides of an oncoming war with both of them having the same goals but different ways of wanting to achieve it. I don't know if this show will be as popular as SILVERLINK's other shows from past seasons but the animation for the fights scenes seemed to have improved since they worked on BOFURI so that part is promising. I will keep an eye on this to see if this show goes anywhere fun. 

Dropout Idol Fruit Tart (6.5/10)

     Another show in the "Cute Girls Doing Cute Things" genre as well as an idol show. There isn't much to say about this first episode other than the fact that if you've seen one you've seen them all. If you are interested in that genre then you will probably enjoy this show regardless. If this isn't your type of show then you are probably better off skipping it. For me, I am a fan of this kind of genre so I will most likely stick with this show to the end unless something crazy happens that puts me off of it.

Iwakakeru - Sport Climbing Girls (6.3/10)

     My initial thoughts going into this show was that it was going to be similar to be similar to How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift? where it takes this hobby and tries to make it seem fun and interesting. Instead we got a more serious introduction to the world of competitive rock climbing. The animations fluctuate between looking really wonky and kind of lazy, to super detailed and fluid. This flip between good and bad animation can be pretty jarring sometimes but if you initially notice it. The characters are kind of bland and the reasons why the main girl is so good at rock climbing is kind of goofy. Overall I think this show was slightly below average but I will continue to watch to monitor how it will develop.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear (6/10)

     So my initial thought going into this episode is that it is a combination between BOFURI and Infinite Dendrogram, both being from a few seasons ago. It has the goofyness from the main character that is somewhat akin to BOFURI, but also has the "living world" and overly serious tone that came with Infinite Dendrogram. Now I wasn't a big fan of that over seriousness and it was the same for this show as well. Characters just seem corny and silly when they act like the virtual world is real life. There was a hint of the main girl's real life and I hope that if will touch upon that in the future because it seems like it has a lot of potential to make the main character more interesting. 

Noblesse (5.5/10)

     Another anime that has come from a webtoon and again it is quite underwhelming. With the amount of hype this series got coming into this season I expected more from it. Instead we got a slow paced episode where not much happens outside of a TON of typical anime cliches. Apparently this first episode starts pretty far into the actually series and you need to watched the OVA before actually watching this episode. Why not just make that OVA the first episode then? Unfortunately, I am going to have to give this first episode the prize of being the most boring first episode of any show this season. 

The Gymnastics Samurai (5/10)

     The beginning of this episode seemed promising. It seemed like it was going to be a show about a washed up athlete trying to struggle with retiring from the sport he loves while also being a single father for his little daughter. This would have made for an interesting character driven show but then all of a sudden they throw in ninjas (yes, actual ninjas) and secret service agents. The show gets chaotic from there and the ninja guy, Leo, is extremely annoying even with the little screen time he had. I don't where it will go from here but it does not look promising.

If you are interested in knowing what anime I am currently watching and what manga I am currently reading, please check out this link:


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