Game of Thrones Season 7 Recap So Far (Spoilers)

Game of Thrones Season 7 Recap So Far (Spoilers)

As we dwindle down to the end of Season 7 of Game of Thrones tomorrow night, we can take a look at what has transpired so far.

So as we've seen Daenerys Targaryen make strides into trying to become a better ruler. Keyword: trying. There seems to be hints of the Mad King in her but she seems to be trying to fight against her nature. It will only be a matter of time before we see whether she becomes like her father or not.

We now know that Jon Snow has caved and bent the knee to Daenerys. This will be interesting to see whether what the other northern lords think about their King bending the knee to a southern ruler. It seems that Jon doesn't seem to care too much. I did think it was a bit strange that Jon decided to bend the knee even though Daenerys had just said she would help him against the army of the dead. It did seem like a bit of fan service in that moment, which basically has summarized Jon and Dany's relationship this entire season.

But getting back on track with the northern lords, it will be interesting to see where the show takes the whole Arya and Sansa rivalry that has been building up these past few episodes. These scenes have definitely been the crux of the season so far. The tension between the two Stark siblings seems forced and illogical at times and it has left many guessing where this is all going. Is Arya going to kill Sansa and wear her face? Is Sansa going to take action against Arya's threats? Are the Stark children going to band together to defeat the sneaky Little Finger? I guess we'll have to watch and find out tomorrow; or at worst, next season.

Let's also talk about what's going on in King's Landing and the Lannister twins. So it seems that Jaime is again torn between what's the right thing to do and his love for Cersei. Is Cersei lying about her pregnancy to control Jaime? Who knows. What we do know is that tomorrow we will be getting a reunion between Jaime and Brienne. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. Along with this, we will finally get a meeting between Cersei and Daenerys. This has been something that I have been wanting to see for years now and I'm excited to see what goes down. Will Cersei spring a trap? Will Cersei believe them about the Night's King? Will she believe them and still spring her trap to kill Daenerys? It is all so compelling that I can't wait to see what happens.

This season has been very fast paced and has had very little time for the characters to breathe and develop. The quick pace has definitely started to created noticeable cracks within the writing. Despite the quick pace and fan service, I still have enjoyed this season greatly. I am going to miss this show when it finally end. Which brings me to my last point.

If you don't know yet, Season 8 has been delayed to give the creators of the show more time to write a solid story for the final season. Unfortunately this means that Season 8 will not be coming out until 2019. Hopefully the wait will all be worth it.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments on how you think the season has been going so far or what you think about the delay for next season.

But those are just my two cents. Thank you for reading.


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